acupuncture and astrology in gloucester ma

 Remi Ibraheem

Remi Ibraheem has her BA in Biology and a Masters in Acupuncture. She is an artist, writer and a lover of science.

She has been a licensed Acupuncturist for the past eleven years and believes that acupuncture and oriental medicine is the key to a balanced life.

For over two decades, she has been an astrologer. She approaches the practice of astrology as a life coach. She believes that an individual’s natal chart is a road map to the understanding, fulfillment and attainment of a whole and nourished life. She is a member of the Organization for Professional Astrologers (OPA).

The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. –Mark Twain

Book with Remi:

Phone: 978-290-6017 | Email:



Acupuncture is a healing therapy that evolved over 3000 years ago in Asia. It is based on the concept that there are channels, or meridians, distributed throughout the body, that facilitate the transportation of energy and blood.

First session: $175
Regular appointments: $80

Appointments available for Saturday mornings


Life Mastery Astrology is a practical and life coach approach to astrology. It utilizes the esoteric science of astrology to formulate natural and pragmatic actions for life’s problems.  It provides insight and clarity about career, life purpose, hidden pitfalls and gifts.  It presents tools for the attainment of self-mastery and personal evolution.  It aligns the individual with their true purpose and helps to pave the path to success.

Individual session: $200/hour
Relationship session: $300/hour

Appointments are available Monday-Saturday