acupuncturist in gloucester ma

 Rebecca Wallace, Enlighten Therapeutics

Rebecca Wallace, MAOM, Lic. Ac. is an NCCAOM board certified and state licensed acupuncturist. After completing a bachelor’s degree in biology at Smith College and working in the field of medical disease research for over seven years, Rebecca received her Master’s degree at the New England School of Acupuncture in acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. She has worked in specialty clinics, including inpatient addiction and rehabilitation and public health, and she now enjoys a general private practice in Gloucester. She draws from the philosophies of Traditional Chinese Medicine, yoga, and ayurveda to develop an integrative assessment and treatment strategy for her clients based on physiological, emotional and spiritual health. 

Book with Rebecca:

Phone: 978-587-5720





Acupuncture is a healing therapy that evolved over 3000 years ago in Asia. It is based on the concept that there are channels, or meridians, distributed throughout the body, that facilitate the transportation of energy and blood.

Initial Visit 75 min (includes full treatment): $175

Followup appointments 60-75 min (includes treatment of front and back of body): $110

30 minute Followup acupuncture (one side of body): $85

Followup Lifestyle or herbal appointment (without acupuncture): $100


Cosmetic, or Facial Acupuncture is as ancient as acupuncture itself. It involves using traditional acupuncture techniques to troubleshoot imbalances in the face and body, and address esthetic complaints that interfere with confidence and satisfaction with personal appearance.

 Cosmetic Acupuncture helps increase the tone of the muscles and skin of the face. It improves the circulation of blood, lymph and energy in the head, which reduces fluid accumulation that causes puffiness, and brings vitality to the skin. Acupuncture also stimulates collagen production and helps distribute it through the skin, which firms and fills in wrinkles and lines and reduces sagging. Hormone regulation is balanced, which can assist with problems such as over or under production of oil, resulting in acne or dry skin. Chronic, habitual muscle tension is released, giving the face a more relaxed appearance and removing the root cause of wrinkles and sagging in many cases. The treatment series will address these specific problems, but will also nourish and restore the condition of the entire face, creating naturally vibrant, healthy appearance.

 Best results are achieved through a series of treatments scheduled 1-2 times weekly for 12-20 treatments. Cosmetic acupuncture treatments can always include facial cupping, gua sha, and light therapy. It can be used alone, or in combination with Microneedling.


One treatment $325, 5 for $1500


Also called Collagen Induction Therapy, microneedling is another, different application of needles to the body the improve the condition of the skin and help it to regenerate collagen and elastin. Microneedling is used to treat fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, acne, acne scarring, and other types of scarring and stretchmarks on the face and body. It can also stimulate hair regrowth.

Microneedling involves treating the skin with multiple rapid pricks, applied by a microneedling pen, that not only stimulates the skin to regenerate, but also opens the surface to allow custom designed, all natural facial serums to be very efficiently absorbed by the deeper skin layers and increase skin regeneration. The result is firming and improvement of the skin surface condition and reduced or eliminated fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging. Microneedling can also awaken hair follicles to re-grow hair.

The microneedling pen used is similar to the pens available for home use, but penetrates more deeply. Although this treatment does open the skin surface, the upper layers of skin are not stripped or removed, and it is unusual to even have any bleeding during treatment.

Some results are often noticeable immediately after treatment, but the full effect of the treatment will develop after 3-4 weeks.

Treatments are scheduled 4 weeks apart, and a series usually consists of 3-6 treatments.

The skin will feel slightly irritated and may look reddish after treatment. Plan on no makeup, sun exposure, exercise or salt water contact for the rest of the day after microneedling.


One treatment $400, buy 5 get one free $2000


Chinese Herbal Formulas and other supplements are powerful medicines that can be used on their own, or in combination with acupuncture to enhance treatment outcomes. Herbs and supplements are often recommended for more chronic or complex cases like insomnia, digestive problems, immunological/autoimmune disorders, menstrual/reproductive issues, or anxiety/depression. 

Not all supplements are created equal, and there are a wide variety of products, and quality of products, available, so I only prescribe brands that I am very familiar with that use species identification, high sensitivity contaminant detection, and GMP certification.


Initial consult: $175

Followup consult: $100


*Please note, only followup acupuncture treatments can be booked online. Please call or email to book other types of sessions to insure the appropriate time is reserved.*